Sunday, June 28, 2009

You are such a tart...

The June Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800's in England.

Let me first say that I had a senior moment and totally forgot the day to post my completed challenge. It seems like this has been happening alot to me lately as work has taken over my life. So to all the Daring Baker participants, I apologize and hope that you forgive me for my late posting.

This month's challenge was a tasty one. I love shortbread and lately I am loving all things flavored with a hint of almond. I was afraid of this month's challenge as the May challenge I feel did not come out as I wanted it to. June's challenge was my redemption!
Straight out of the oven

A peek of what it looks like when its cut.

Tart a la mode. Drool

The Verdict

Papa Bear: When Papa Bear tweets about eating dessert, you know it good.

The other bears: NA

Knowing how much butter went into this, I had to go run after I ate a piece of this tart. Heaven on the lips forever on the hips. :)


Conor @ HoldtheBeef said...

Lovely! It goes very well with a nice dollop of icecream! In fact, I'm struggling against going downstairs to remind myself just how nicely the two go together..

Isabelle said...

Beautiful tart! Great job!

Lisa said...

The ice cream just take your beautiful Bakewell over the top! Lovely job!

Amy J. said...

Yum, looks great!