We got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want
Honey we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money honey
We got your disease
You know I had to put that in there for ya. Yes, its GNR. The whole time while I was creating these special cupcakes, this song kept looping in my head. The sound of Axl Rose belting out the chorus reminds me of a person taking their fingernails to a chalkboard.
I digress! A co-worker is having a baby in soon. Our company threw him a party. I pimped myself out and asked if I could bring cupcakes. Can you guess what their response was? This idea has been on my to do list since I first laid eyes on the cover of the magazine that showed this cupcake idea.
This was a really time consuming project from start to finish, but the end result is so darn cute. I woke Papa Bear to ask what he thought of my little creations. His response was, "uh..okay...I tired..blah..talk to you later." I think that translates to "Honey, these are some damn hot cupcakes." I hope my co-workers think so too.
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