Okay...so this posting is soo late, but it better than never blogging right? About a week ago, my BFF Shenny had a very special birthday. It was a rock theme birthday party and everyone was to dress up. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not dress up. However, I decided why the heck not.

Yes, I know the photo is blurry. I think the birthday girl had one too many drinks before taking this photo.Check out my rainbow socks? Did you notice that my tshirt say "rebel?" I am soo the opposite.
As party favors, I decided to make something that was different. I saw some sheep pops on
Bakerella's website. However, I put my own little twist to it. Yes, those are black sheep. There is always one in the group Get it?

Here the cake pops are wrapped and ready to go.
Happy birthday my sweet Shen. You are my rock. We were both DDs that night. She was the designated drunk while I was the designated driver. :)

Oh my dear sweet linda! The sheep pops were awesome, and I love them so much! Thanks for making them. Everyone else loved them as well. They didn't just look good, they tasted amazing too! Sorry about the drunk pic... It's that dang camera of mine. ;)
ROCK STAR! Both in baking and in real life!
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