Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome to the jungle...

Welcome to the jungle
We got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want
Honey we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money honey
We got your disease

You know I had to put that in there for ya. Yes, its GNR. The whole time while I was creating these special cupcakes, this song kept looping in my head. The sound of Axl Rose belting out the chorus reminds me of a person taking their fingernails to a chalkboard.

I digress! A co-worker is having a baby in soon. Our company threw him a party. I pimped myself out and asked if I could bring cupcakes. Can you guess what their response was? This idea has been on my to do list since I first laid eyes on the cover of the magazine that showed this cupcake idea.

Bears, zebras, and lions oh my!

This was a really time consuming project from start to finish, but the end result is so darn cute. I woke Papa Bear to ask what he thought of my little creations. His response was, "uh..okay...I tired..blah..talk to you later." I think that translates to "Honey, these are some damn hot cupcakes." I hope my co-workers think so too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Shen!!

Okay...so this posting is soo late, but it better than never blogging right? About a week ago, my BFF Shenny had a very special birthday. It was a rock theme birthday party and everyone was to dress up. Anyone who knows me knows that I do not dress up. However, I decided why the heck not.
Yes, I know the photo is blurry. I think the birthday girl had one too many drinks before taking this photo.Check out my rainbow socks? Did you notice that my tshirt say "rebel?" I am soo the opposite.

As party favors, I decided to make something that was different. I saw some sheep pops on Bakerella's website. However, I put my own little twist to it. Yes, those are black sheep. There is always one in the group Get it?

Here the cake pops are wrapped and ready to go.

Happy birthday my sweet Shen. You are my rock. We were both DDs that night. She was the designated drunk while I was the designated driver. :)

Attention! Polar ice caps are melting....

We interrupt your normal blogging to bring you this very important message. It appears that the ice caps have been melting and our friends from the north have stop by my house. To delivery a very special message.

Wait? No luggage? I guess if you are in a hurry, luggage is the last thing on your mind. Oh that's right, you came to deliver a message.
Oh Happy 12th Birthday Claudia! Now that is service. Will you guys come back for my birthday?


If you follow my blog, you might have witnessed a catastrophe with french macrons in May. I was about to throw in the towel for baking all together. Just kidding. Kate from The Clean Plate Club picked me up from off the floor by presenting us with Strawberry Short-Cake Cookies by my homegirl Martha Stewart. I aspire to be Martha minus the insider trading/jail time bit.

I made these for my BFF Shen @Girly spazms, and other randomness... I brought these over for her birthday. What great timing! Plenty of people to test my cookies. It was unanimous that these cookies were tasty. I do not believe that there were any left.

The Verdict

Papa Bear: He's a fan of the strawberry. He ate a ton of the cookies

The other bears: I think birthday girl ate some. I was too buzzed from my beer to notice if she ate any. I did hear from some other party goers that those were some tasty cookies.

Myself: Soo yummy. I would definitely like to see this in the rotation again.

You are such a tart...

The June Daring Bakers' challenge was hosted by Jasmine of Confessions of a Cardamom Addict and Annemarie of Ambrosia and Nectar. They chose a Traditional (UK) Bakewell Tart... er... pudding that was inspired by a rich baking history dating back to the 1800's in England.

Let me first say that I had a senior moment and totally forgot the day to post my completed challenge. It seems like this has been happening alot to me lately as work has taken over my life. So to all the Daring Baker participants, I apologize and hope that you forgive me for my late posting.

This month's challenge was a tasty one. I love shortbread and lately I am loving all things flavored with a hint of almond. I was afraid of this month's challenge as the May challenge I feel did not come out as I wanted it to. June's challenge was my redemption!
Straight out of the oven

A peek of what it looks like when its cut.

Tart a la mode. Drool

The Verdict

Papa Bear: When Papa Bear tweets about eating dessert, you know it good.

The other bears: NA

Knowing how much butter went into this, I had to go run after I ate a piece of this tart. Heaven on the lips forever on the hips. :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pot Stoickers?

When I was a wee little one, my family and I would pile up in the Ford LTD and head out on our weekly SF trip to see Grandma. One of the fondest memories is this chinese resturant that we would always pass by. It was the most dingy place every and I bet they city would have shut it down, but it has the most tasty food ever. One of their menu they have tasty pot stoickers. Pot stoickers? Yes, someone missed spelled pot stoickers on the menu. I chuckle to myself when I come across pot stickers, I even mumble pot stoickers for the memories.

For the May Daring Cooks challenge, I bring you home made pot stickers. Tada!
These are Chinese yellow chive with baked tofu bits. These were tasty, but of course not as good as Mom's home cooking.
The Verdict

Papa Bear:
All I heard from Papa Bear was "nom nom nom nom." I think that might be a good thing.

The other bears
: These two brats were passed out from a long hike from earlier that morning.

Good, but not quite like my mommy's pot stickers. One of these days I need to lure the recipe out of her.