Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Non Food Related: Do you have a feeling Spring is here?

Yeah! I had the day off today. The weather was perfect for a nice hike with Papa Bear and one of the dogs. The second one had a great time at doggy day care. It's strange how we went from one week of grey sky and rain to a warm sunny day. Gotta love California weather.

I wonder if the kids were trying to tell me something?
Maybe that Spring is almost here?

I do not have any 2 legged children yet, but I do have two very spoiled 4 legged kids. They feed my baby fix. Ozzy is the one on the left. Mei Mei is on the right. As you can tell, Ozzy will do anything for a treat. Ozzy is comfortable with his masculinity to rock the bunny ears. Mei Mei on the other hand can care less and if you try to put anything on her she gives you the face. Notice the angry eyes and turned up face. I heart my babies.

Momma! Momma! Do you like our ears? Do you think we can catch any rabbits or squirrels with these disguises?